Thank YOU for being here - and supporting our military far and wide.
- was founded in 2004 for two reasons.
We are the Original HeroBracelet® Memorial Bracelets. First we believe that as Americans, we should respect and
honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, as well as those serving. Heroes come in all forms, from Navy SEALs to Police Officers to our amazing Firefighters and family heroes. Second, our original mission was to
raise money for military families.Over the last 18 years, we’ve heard from literally thousands of HeroBracelet® Memorial bracelet wearers and we’ve been fortunate enough to meet many of you. We've traveled to the Pentagon and met wounded warriors and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. You’ve sent us questions, ideas, photos and stories from cities all around the world, from the battlefields in the Middle East to towns around America. It has been an honor to talk to so many of you. We are proud to make custom bracelets and tags for deployed Military Personnel, Purple Heart Recipients and those lost in Vietnam, all in the USA.
donates 2.00 from every HeroBracelet® order to well vetted non-profit organizations: The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund and C.O.P.S. At this writing over
$217,000.00 has been given to non-profits that are doing great work around the country.
HeroBracelets® is proud of making the highest quality memorial bands and bracelets anywhere. Everything we offer is custom-made when you order and we have spent a decade improving the quality of our annodized aluminum HeroBracelet to be strong, have
4 smooth edges and be a memento that will be worn with pride.
We are a
small business and HeroBracelets® want to thank you for your support. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email us at any time at Customers like you are our priority and we strive to answer your emails and questions in a very timely manner.
We would love to hear your story and see your HeroBracelet® Photos! Please
TAG #herobracelets and share stories with us or email us anytime to be featured on our social media. Please add us on Facebook and Instagram and tag us in your photos! @herobracelets
Thank you for your support. And keep a Hero in your heart. Wear one on your wrist.

All of our Custom HeroBraceletTM are proudly made in the USA